Can Anyone Be A Medium?

Excerpt from Hair Matters Podcast Featuring Psychic Medium Ashleigh Leonard
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We had the pleasure of interviewing another amazing client of our salon, our Hair Matters Podcast gives listeners a glimpse of the people we meet while working "behind the chair!" Our guest, Ashleigh Leonard, is a medium originally from South Africa now residing in Boston. She stunned one of our stylists by connecting to a loved one in the spirit world. Her mediumship began by reading Angel Cards and one day in nature, with a friend, she connected to her friend's grandmother. She started receiving images in her minds eye, one being a lamb puppet, her friend told her that her grandmother gave her that puppet and she loved it as a child. Her friend validated other images and that was the epiphany where it all began! Ashleigh has used this gift to comfort many people with loved ones on the other side.
We asked if anyone could have this gift, and she believes that being a medium is her destiny but any one of us can reach the spirit world by meditating, asking our angels and spirit guides for intercession. She also states that we should immediately speak our thoughts, images, messages as soon as we receive them as to not allow our ego to get in the way and create self doubt. Spirit energy can also manifest physically, their energy has been know to interfere with electrical devices.
What is the other side like?
Ashleigh explains we should not fear death, and the after life is a place of love. We go there to stay, come back to earth or other universes to enrich our soul or possibly fulfill our karma. We choose to come back as part of a soul contract and even choose to live a tragic life. This does help to explain why there is sorrow in the world, but if our soul chooses this path to evolve or help in the evolution of another then tragedy can make sense. As three dimensional beings it is hard for us to wrap our head around this concept. She is also studying "remote viewing" which was implemented by the U.S. & Russian government to spy on one another, the program was called "psychic spies"
During our interview she asked if someone had an uncle that passed, he was tall, wearing black & gold (which could be a uniform) with dark hair wearing a black hat. I thought it may be my mother's uncle, but did not know much about him since he served in the Italian army and never returned home. Apparently, my mother's family was devastated by his loss. My mother said Ashleigh's description did sound like her uncle and then I investigated the uniform for the Italian Royal Army of which he served. The uniform is black and gold with a black hat. (see below)
This may be one of our favorite podcasts! If you listen, there are other interesting conversations and advice to follow. If you would like to reach Ashleigh you can email or find her on facebook Ashleibbsc.