Hair Toppers

What are hair toppers?
Hair toppers are small hair pieces that can be attached to your bio hair to cover areas of hair loss, thin hair, bald spots, or low volume. Hair toppers can mimic the look of healthy and natural-looking hair.
What are the Best Hair Toppers?
Our experts at Noelle Salon recommend the best type of hair toppers suitable for your hair texture, the size of the base and your medical condition. The best hair toppers should match your hair color, adjust to your head size and not damage your hair. At Noelle Salon, we keep the hair condition as one of the primary criteria for choosing the hair topper, along with other factors such as the base of the head, hair texture and hair color to match the individual hair.
Best Hair Toppers at Noelle Salon - Boston, Massachusetts
Hair Toppers For Trichotillomania
Trichotillomania, also known as hair-pulling disorder, is characterized by an overwhelming urge to pull out hair, often resulting in noticeable hair loss or bald patches. The disorder affects around 4% of the general population.
At Noelle Salon, our quality human hair toppers, custom wigs, and custom hair toppers are applied without shaving or gluing. They create a barrier to prevent pulling and restore your beautiful hair. We provide 1-on-1 assistance to individuals of all ages and support on insurance.
Our system creates a barrier to prevent pulling. Nearly 90% of our clients have stopped hair-pulling and have grown beautiful hair!
Hair Toppers for Alopecia
Alopecia is a hair loss condition or baldness caused by various reasons such as genetic predisposition, hormonal imbalances, environmental factors, or underlying medical conditions. There are various types of alopecia, such as androgenetic alopecia, alopecia areata, and alopecia ophiasis.
Our professionals at Noelle Salon understand the root cause of Alopecia before recommending a hair topper treatment. Choose from our range of toppers for hair loss to help you regain your confidence and feel comfortable in your skin again. From custom-made mesh integration systems to top-of-the-head hair toppers, we have options to suit every hair loss pattern and individual preference.
Mesh Integration Hair Loss System
Mesh Integration Hair Loss Systems are a way to attach hair extensions with or without a hair closure, essentially creating a custom wig attached to your exact hair loss.
With no glue or shaving involved, this system offers the most secure attachment process, providing a convenient and hassle-free solution.
Once the mesh has been fitted and cut to size, new hair—usually made from real strands—is interlocked with your natural hair. The result is a new head of hair that is thicker, stronger, and healthier-looking than ever before.
We can address any area of hair loss, from the top of the head to patchy hair loss.
No Mesh Integration
No-mesh integration is best suited for those with under 50% hair loss at the top of the head, crown area, and sides of the hair. We use no-mesh integration to treat various hair loss problems, including Alopecia, Telegenic Efflux, Post-Chemotherapy, and Trichotillomania.
This exclusive beaded matrix attachment does not need a mesh barrier. At Noelle Salon, we tie or knot the hair topper with your natural hair and let it grow. No tangling, no matting, no knotting, no glue, no tape, no cutting or shaving. Stays in place for up to 8 weeks.
Hair Topper & Hair Loss System for Transgender
Hair Toppers with Hair Extensions for Transgender Hair Loss. The system is attached without gluing or shaving. You can choose between the mesh or meshless integration system and pick from a range of hair toppers to find the right one for your hair needs.
Why Choose Noelle Hair Salon For Hair Toppers?
Our professionals hold years of experience creating and attaching hair toppers to individuals with medical conditions. Our team of hair experts provides one-on-one consultation to help you select the perfect hair toppers that are accustomed to your hair condition.
We analyze your hair type, textures, and colors thoroughly before recommending a hair topper and helping you select the base size. Based on these base sizes, we help customers select the best fringe hair toppers with bangs for their hair, including options for those with transgender hair loss.
We also ensure that your head will never be shaved or glued to attach hair-loss toppers. Instead, we use fine mesh as an extra barrier for people with 80% hair loss or a meshless integration of attachment with a beaded matrix. Our long-lasting techniques last up to 8 weeks with proper home care and maintenance.
Our hair toppers, made with breathable mesh and secured with comfortable silicone-backed clips, can last as long as eight weeks with proper home care and our guidance after the treatment. In addition, we offer a range of accessories such as clip-on human hair toupees, hairpieces, and extensions to enhance your silicone-based hair loss system and provide a more natural and seamless look.
How Much Do Hair Toppers Cost at Noelle Salon Boston, Massachusettes?
Hair toppers at Noelle Salon range from $450 to $1,200, depending on the texture, area to be covered and required volume of hair topper. The cost of fixing hair toppers ranges between $150 and $300 (Prices may vary based on other variables)
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Where to buy hair toppers near me?
2. Where can I try on hair toppers near me?
You can try a range of hair toppers here at Noelle Salon. We specialize in a wide range of hair toppers with various sizes, lengths, colors and hair textures. Noelle salon offers a range of hair toppers including synthetic, human hair toppers, clip-in toppers, lace bases and more.
3. How do hair toppers work?
Hair toppers are created by attaching or knotting hair strands into a lightweight cap, which is then clipped or secured to your hair. The cap is designed to mimic the appearance of your scalp, giving the illusion of natural hair growth.
4. Are hair toppers bad for your hair?
No, hair toppers are not bad for your hair. Instead, they provide a healthy look to your hair. However, make sure to consult a professional before choosing a hair topper.
5. Do hair toppers damage your hair?
Hair toppers can damage hair if they're applied incorrectly or if they’re not suited for your type. It is recommended to consult a professional before choosing the hair topper to avoid damage.
6. Do hair toppers look natural?
Hair toppers look natural because of their scalp-like appearance and because they are derived from human hair. Because of this, they mimic the texture and movement of natural hair.
7. How much are hair toppers?
Hair toppers in Boston may range from $1,000-$1,200. The cost may vary depending on the hair condition, the volume of affected area and the customized requirements of our clients. We at Noelle Salon offer the most affordable hair toppers in Boston and Massachusetts without compromising with the quality.
8. Who sells hair toppers near me?
We at Noelle Hair Salon provide the best hair toppers in the Boston, Massachusettes area. We offer hair toppers for individuals with various hair conditions, such as Trichotillomania, all kinds of Alopecia, Telogen Efflux, Chemotherapy Hair Loss, Female Pattern Baldness and hair loss conditions related to illness, medication, stress, and menopause. Our hair toppers also qualify for VAT relief for those who meet the criteria set by HMRC.