Hair Integration For Thin Hair

A hair integration system is perfect to make thin hair more abundant. It is placed at the top of the head and covers areas where extensions do not work or can not be covered. In order to cover hair extensions, you must have at least 4 to 5 inches of natural hair. Additionally, hair extensions can not be placed too high on the head, i.e. crown, and near the hair part. Keeping your own hair healthy is paramount, therefore, we never shave or glue any of our hair loss systems.
For Fine Hair At The Top Of The Head
Full Hair Integration
A full top-of-the-head hair integration system is made of fine hair weft channels that natural hair is pulled through. A full integration system is perfect for clients that desire optimum security, as well as having some hair to pull through the fine wefts. Pulling natural hair through the fine wefts, particularly on the hair part, creates a very natural look. We still use our tie-in method of attachment around the perimeter of the hair system. The hair under the hair system is placed atop the head as your hair naturally falls with even distribution.
The hair is carefully pulled through the hair channels (wefts) entirely or strategically in areas where more natural hair exists.
Partial Hair Integration
A partial integration system is made with fine mesh in the front area around the hairline, and the back is made of fine hair weft channels. This system is perfect for those with hair loss combined with fine hair. The application is the same as above, and the hair is pulled through from the mid-head to the crown.
Below is our Veila partial hair integration system with small hair channels to pull hair through for optimum security. Made of Remy human hair, 150% density in 18" length. Natural layered hair fall. Color; highlighted blonde.
We use this system for all types of hair loss from Alopecia of all kinds, Trichotillomania, Female Pattern Baldness, Lichen Panopilaris (scarring alopecia), and Lupus associated hair loss. Our clients love this system because it gives the best of both worlds, great coverage, extra security, is natural-looking, and allows for air to reach the scalp.
We stock two sizes of integration systems; 10 x 10 and 7 x 9. The length available is 16 to 18 inches, with natural layering. The hair quality is excellent, therefore we can create a shadow root, highlights, and knot coloring.
How It Works
1) Our systems go through a quality check prior to application
2) A free and private consultation determines the size, color, style of the hair system
3) No contracts! Many hair loss centers require customers to purchase two hair systems upfront, as well as sign maintenance contracts that amount to over $10,000 per year.
Our clients purchase one hair system which may last up to one year. Purchasing more than one system at-a-time is ludicrous since we may need to change the size, density, and color for the next order. Hair loss centers service the second system in advance which makes the process easier for them, we service the hair system at your visit. We also wash, deep cleanse and treat natural hair during maintenance appointments.
4) We create a custom maintenance program for each individual client based on hair growth, budget, and convenience. We offer a free 2-week adjustment, and most of our clients return every 4 to 5 weeks for full maintenance.
5) We educate our clients as to how to care for their new hair, products, washing, brushing, and styling. Along the way, we address every question and/or concern, and make adjustments.
We also stock other hair systems without integration which is suitable for clients with overall hair loss, using the same customer service and quality standards.
Causes of hair loss: When you have affected hair follicles via Alopecia Areata, fungal infection, or suffer from Trichotillomania thinning hair and hair loss is the side effect, with balding spots appearing. Autoimmune disorders are part of some medical conditions where the immune system attacks the follicles and makes you lose hair. Hair loss is difficult to deal with, our goal is to put you at ease by creating a look that raises your confidence. If you have any tips or advice please feel free to comment below.