Trichotillomania Rises As Does the virus

During these unprecedented times, we have witnessed more clients suffering from Trichotillomania a BFRB (Body Focused Repetitive Behavior) in staggering numbers. As more incidents of Covid-19 increase many of our clients have been anxious feeling out of control and who could blame them! At Noelle Salon we are compassionately helping our clients to restore their natural hair style using our own brand of hair toppers as well as creating a barrier which allows the sufferer to be aware of their pulling behavior. Awareness leads to a conscience decision to not pull since most pulling behaviors are done without awareness.
Before & After our linked in Hair Toppers
Collaboration Of Yodit & Noelle
We stock a variety of hair toppers to fit many size heads with a natural wave and high density thickness. We attach our hair toppers without shaving or gluing using a linking system that is comfortable without damaging our clients hair. Our goal is to help our client's grow their own hair and feel confident! These hair toppers can also be clipped on & off for all types of hair loss. They also come in 18" length and are far more comfortable that a wig.
We will also be adding our beautiful, affordable hair toppers to our online store which are 1/2 the price of most retailers and superior quality! We welcome hair salons & stylists to pick our brains and would love to spread the word as to how to help hair loss clients all over the U.S.A.