The Complete Guide To Hand Tied Hair Extensions

Hand-tied hair extensions are a type of extension as well as a method of attachment. I want to explain the difference between hand-tied hair vs. machine weft hair extensions, understand the method of attachment is the same, using a micro link system in which the hair wefts are sewn-in anchored by a micro link grid.
What Is Hand-Tied Hair?
Hand-tied hair is created by tying strands of hair extensions to a micro-thread, which is very labor-intensive. The best part of hand-tied hair is they are "Remy," meaning the hair is flowing in one direction. One direction hair will not matte since the hair cuticle flows as it grew from the donor (s). Hand-tied wefts, a.k.a. hair tracks, are made of fine strands of hair that will match well with fine hair. The added advantage is that the individual tracks can be stacked on top of one another and customizable to your own hair follicle strength. We can stack different color hair wefts to create a perfect color match and dimension.
What Is Machine Weft Hair?
Machine weft hair uses a larger track and hair is machine sewn onto the weft. The machine-sewn weft can be made of a thick thread or a flat polyurethane weft. Superior hair quality is the most desirable for both hand-tied as well as, machine-sewn wefts. Following the same guidance to purchase Remy hair or one-donor hair is essential for lustrous long-lasting hair extensions.
What Is One Donor Hair?
One donor hair is a superior quality hair collected from one person ethically. It is also known as "virgin hair." The misconception is that virgin hair has never been color-treated. One donor hair is carefully color-treated and that is it. One donor hair should not be chemically processed i.e. straightened or permed. There is a way to wave and/or curl the hair using steam vs. ammonium thioglycolate used in conventional hair perms.
True "virgin" hair is unprocessed and from a dark color origin. The stylists will color and/or bleach the extensions prior to application.
The Attachment?
Hair professionals often free-style the micro link grid that the hair is sewn through. We like to use the waterfall grid in which we use our client's hair to support the grid vs. placing individual beads. Once the grid is established, both hand-tied and machine weft hair extensions are sewn against the bead.
There are other ways to attach hand-tied and machine weft hair by cutting the hair off the weft and creating individual strand attachments such as keratin or i-tip hair extensions.
What Are NBR Hair Extensions (Natural Beaded Row)?
Natural beaded rows (hidden bead extensions) is an application process where the micro-links are hidden in-between the wefts of the hair extensions. Client's that wear their hair up often prefer NBR extensions, but many find this application unnecessary since the cost is more due to taking more time to apply.
With NBR you must have strong hair follicles to support the thick rows of hair extensions. I do not recommend this application process for very fine hair.
How to Maintain Hand Tied Hair Extensions?
As with other types of hair extensions, we suggest drying the application area for a variety of reasons. Hair will contract and expand while wearing when wet, therefore, drying the application area will help to avoid slipping.
Mold is real! Leaving hair wet often (especially for thick wefts), will make drying very slow. Over time, leaving hair wet, especially when wearing up, may allow for mold to develop. Mold on the scalp can damage hair follicles.
Use quality products that infuse moisture into the hair extensions. If you have an oily scalp, implementing a clarifying shampoo weekly or bi-weekly is a great way to clean the scalp. For extremely oily hair, "Sea-Breeze" a gentle antiseptic will help clean the scalp and remove build-up.
Thermal Heat is not hair extension friendly. Using a 450 degree flat/curl iron will dry out hair extensions and damage the hair cuticle as it does with natural hair. Very hot irons will break down hand-tied or flat-weft tracks by singeing them. Once the area is burnt, the hair in the wefts will start to shed. Using a heat-protectant spray on the hair extensions is recommended.
As you may note, care for hair extensions is determined on an individual basis. Oily hair vs. dry hair will require a different maintenance approach. Your stylist will be able to create a care prescription with the best hair care product for you.
How Long Do They Last?
High-quality hair should last a year +/- based on your home care routine. The average person adds or replaces the hair every 8 months, while others replace a year and a half.
Move-ups and re-attaching occur every 6 to 8 weeks depending on natural hair growth and shedding. We like to remove natural hair shedding as often as possible since it can lead to hair breakage. Many shed quicker than others, our natural hair sheds approximately 100 strands per day, while wearing hair extensions the shedding is trapped in the attachment and should be removed.
Do They Work Well On All Hair Types?
The answer to this question is based on your hair texture. Thick/dense hair is more resilient and capable of supporting more weight. While thin hair will require less weight. The best answer is to only apply as much hair as your own hair can support. If hand-tied wefts do not work well for you consider other methods of application.
What To Know
Hair extensions offer so much versatility! Finding the right method for you will require some research on your part, as well as understanding your own hair limitations. Seeking out a professional salon with hair extension experience is the most important. Ask for a free consultation, do not be afraid to ask questions and ask for referrals. In closing, do your research we are here to help.
Hair Extensions Background
At Noelle Salon we focus on customer service, we evaluate your natural hair, listen to our client's wishes on styling, color match, and look. We use human hair extensions like 100% Remy human hair, or Virgin Hair extensions(unlike Bellami hair). Hair extensions can be used for short hair or 24 inches of a full head of hair, and have worked with different methods like tape-in extensions, clip-in hair extensions, Keratin and enjoy using our Pull-thru Veila Hair Extensions for ease of hair care - which also delivers excellent customer satisfaction.
Veila Hair Extensions requires hair extension tools, a crimper to squeeze the silicon-covered microbeads (not plastic microbeads), and a crochet hook to pull-thru strands of hair into the hair extension. Styling can vary from flat iron, natural curl, or curly hair. Whether you are looking for a change of style or look for a day such as a Clip-in ponytail, having a high-quality ponytail extension can mix it up for you. Your natural hair journey with your hair growth can be enhanced with Hair extensions when protective styling is applied, and regular maintenance is used. You can change your hair in one day - feel free to reach out to us and explore the possibilities.
Maintenance Considerations
Good customer service skills usually bring recommendations on how to maintain your hair extensions with products and services after they have been placed in. Personal care products in ensuring that your extensions don't dry out and split is important, and having your extensions re-adjusted based on the type of extensions applied, and how quickly your hair grows as well.
At Noelle Salon, we offer all types of hair extensions to suit your hair needs, lifestyle, and budget. Keratin bonded hair extensions are only one type of extension in our tool belt. We welcome you to ask questions about the differences in hair extensions by emailing or asking questions in the comment section.