How To Break The Cycle Of Trichotillomania

How To Break The Cycle Of Trichotillomania
How to Trichotillomania Cure 9 Minute
How to do Trichotillomania Cure 9 minutes involves engaging in a series of structured exercises and techniques, including deep breathing exercises, aimed at redirecting the urge to pull out hair. This method typically includes mindfulness practices, habit reversal training, and cognitive-behavioral strategies within a nine-minute daily routine. By consistently practicing these techniques, individuals can gradually rewire their brain patterns and develop healthier coping mechanisms to manage trichotillomania effectively. The key lies in commitment and persistence toward implementing these methods to experience long-lasting relief from this challenging condition. Meditation can help with negative thoughts and create a dream scenario to put your mind at ease.
What are the possible causes of trichotillomania?
The possible causes of trichotillomania can include genetic factors, differences in the parts of your brain related to impulse control, emotional or psychological stress, brain chemical imbalances, and environmental triggers. It's often viewed as a way to cope with negative emotions or situations, leading to repetitive hair pulling that can be difficult to control.
A Trichotillomania Cure 9 Minute Success Story
As a hair loss specialist with a primary focus on helping those with trichotillomania, I have discovered that breaking the cycle with our hair systems and hair toppers (barriers) is proof positive to help. Once my clients have grown out, there will be a significant amount of their own hair under the hair topper, and it is no longer necessary, the challenge is if the cycle is broken for them to go without it. For many, the time cycle is broken, but the temptation to pull may still be present. I have given clients take-home hair to play with, and fidget toys, but they have told me that it is not about distraction, but the sensation they get from pulling the perfect textured hair from the root. Therefore, some of these devices do not work long-term, I am blessed to have worked with an inspirational young lady who advised me that hair extension applied in areas, where she liked to pull, stopped her from pulling on her hair. Her name is Ashely Daniels, and I credit her with this information, as well as being brave enough to talk about Trich.
What are the common symptoms of trichotillomania?
Common symptoms of trichotillomania include repetitive pulling out of hair, tension before pulling or when trying to resist the urge, pleasure or relief when hair is pulled out, and hair loss leading to noticeable patches. Seeking therapy and support can help manage this disorder effectively.
How Hair Extensions Help to Deter Hair-Pulling
Ashley has grown in her own beautiful and long hair, but during stressful times her urge to pull overpowers her; this is when I apply keratin micro-extensions to her hair. As she describes, pulling on hair extensions does not give the same satisfaction as pulling on her own hair. Additionally, she realizes that pulling out her extensions will equate to pulling larger amounts of her own hair since they are attached to approximately 30 strands of hair. In instances when she feels the urge to pull, wearing false eyelashes can provide a temporary distraction and a boost to her confidence.
I am sharing an Instagram story she recently posted, her long natural hair is proof positive that she is doing something right. Ashley also knows that I am a phone call away, and we can attach hair extensions before hair pulling becomes out of control. I have since used the extension technique with other clients in this phase of hair growth, and it works. I do not attach hair extensions in a conventional way, they are undetectable and custom-made at the top of the head, crown, and areas that are common to pull. Keratin-bonded hair extensions are not easily removed and trigger a "stop" response. There is an added benefit to hair extensions since they fill in sparse areas of hair due to pulling.
Ashley's beautiful photo and recent Instagram post. @life_en_purpose
Hair Twirling and Picking At Split Ends
Hair twirling and split end picking is also a "body-focused-repetitive behavior, I have witnessed clients with damaged ends of their hair, some twirl so vehemently that the hair may pull out from the root. Hair extensions are another great option for this behavior, I attach extensions throughout the hair leaving them a bit longer than my client's own hair, this technique allows them to twirl and pick at the hair extensions instead of their own hair. The tension of constant twirling hair extensions will cause pain which leads the "twirler" to stop before damage to the hair follicle occurs.
You may note that these are all techniques that break the cycle of hair pulling which leads to healthy hair growth. The barriers and tricks created have proven successful and often time lead to remission from pulling out hair and indicate potential treatment options such as hair pieces.
The Uncontrollable Urge to Pull and Feelings of Shame
Ashley has helped me to help others, which is a blessing. She gave me permission to tag this article on Instagram, and she welcomes you to ask for her advice. She is not embarrassed to speak about her journey albeit difficult she feels in control. Ashley is an avid athlete, below is a picture of her leading an active life at the gym.
HabitAware Bracelet
We have addressed "Trichotillomania" on our podcast "Hair Matters" which can be found on every major podcast platform. I am honored to have interviewed "HabitAware" bracelet creator Aneela Idnani who shares her struggle with Trich and discusses the benefits of her invention on many BFRBs such as skin picking and nail-biting. Ms. Idnani's bracelet is another way to stop the cycle of trichotillomania. Her website is rich with advice, webinars, and techniques to help stop hair-pulling behavior. The bracelet is a form of awareness training, giving a subtle vibration to alert you when performing hair and eyelash pulling. Along with CBT, her bracelet has shown significant improvements
Understanding Trichotillomania: Causes and Symptoms
Trichotillomania, classified as a mental health condition and impulse control disorder, manifests through an uncontrollable urge to pull out one's hair, typically from the scalp, eyebrows, and eyelashes. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), this condition can significantly impair an individual's daily life and self-esteem. The exact causes remain elusive, but a combination of genetic, psychological, and environmental factors may contribute to its development. Statistically, around 3.5% of the population will experience trichotillomania at some point in their lives, with many individuals also facing mental health challenges such as anxiety and depression. The shame and isolation often associated with this mental disorder can exacerbate the condition, making awareness and understanding crucial for those affected.
Recognizing the symptoms is vital for early intervention. Individuals may experience notable hair loss, including bald spots and uneven growth, which can trigger feelings of embarrassment and social withdrawal. The urge to pull often arises in response to stress or boredom, creating a vicious cycle that can be difficult to break. By fostering a deeper understanding of trichotillomania's causes and symptoms, we can better support individuals in their journey toward recovery and encourage open conversations about this often-stigmatized condition.
Risk Factors For Developing Trichotillomania
Understanding the risk of trichotillomania and the risk factors for developing trichotillomania is crucial for prevention and early intervention. Key risk factors include age, with many cases emerging during childhood or adolescence, particularly between the ages of 10 and 13. Females are more frequently diagnosed than males, which may be linked to hormonal changes and societal pressures. Additionally, individuals with a family history of trichotillomania or other compulsive disorders may be at a heightened risk. Social situations can also play a significant role; individuals who experience high levels of stress or anxiety in social environments may turn to hair pulling as a coping mechanism. Recognizing these risk factors can help individuals and their families seek timely support and treatment for this compulsive disorder.
The Importance of Community for Help with Trichotillomania Compulsion
Finding a support group with others who live with the stigma of Trich, an OCD-related disorder is important. There are many Facebook groups, foundations, salons, and barbershops that will help you find others with Trich and share your emotional distress. Whether you are pulling for the first time or a long time, you will find solace with others who understand or have trichotillomania.
Trichotillomania Self-Care Strategies
Managing trichotillomania involves a multifaceted approach, integrating self-care strategies and seeking professional help that empower individuals to regain control over their behavior. Here are some effective techniques and different ways to help manage this condition:
Deep Breathing: Practicing deep breathing exercises can significantly reduce anxiety and stress levels, which are common triggers for hair pulling.
Mindfulness Practices: Engaging in mindfulness helps individuals stay present and aware of their urges, allowing them to make conscious choices rather than succumbing to automatic behaviors.
Creating a Care Team: Collaborating with therapists, support groups, and trusted friends or family members can provide a strong support system and accountability.
Keeping Hands Busy: Utilizing fidget toys, stress balls, or engaging in crafts can redirect the compulsion to pull hair and keep hands occupied.
Developing New Routines: Establishing healthy daily routines can minimize stress and boredom, which often lead to hair-pulling episodes.
By implementing these self-care strategies, individuals can effectively manage their urges to pull hair while fostering a supportive environment conducive to recovery.
Trichotillomania Diagnosis and Classification
Trichotillomania is classified as an impulse control disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). To diagnose trichotillomania, mental health professionals will evaluate a person's symptoms, which typically include an irresistible urge to pull out hair, attempts to stop pulling that are unsuccessful, and the distress caused by hair pulling behaviors. It's essential to differentiate trichotillomania from other medical and mental health conditions that may cause similar symptoms. Diagnosis involves a comprehensive assessment, including a thorough history of hair-pulling behaviors, any co-occurring disorders, and the overall impact on the individual's life. Recognizing the nuances of trichotillomania is vital for developing effective treatment plans tailored to each individual's needs, referenced in the statistical manual of mental disorders.
Criteria for Diagnosis
Hair pulling behavior
Recurrent pulling out of hair, leading to noticeable hair loss
Inability to stop
Persistent efforts to decrease or stop hair pulling have been unsuccessful
The behavior causes significant distress or impairment in social, academic, or other areas of functioning
Exclusion of other causes
Hair pulling is not better explained by another mental disorder or medical condition
Emotional and Psychological Impact of Trichotillomania
The emotional and psychological impact of trichotillomania is profound, often leading to feelings of shame and guilt. Individuals may feel embarrassed about their hair loss, which can hinder their self-esteem and confidence. The repetitive nature of hair pulling can serve as a coping mechanism for stress or anxiety, but over time, it can exacerbate these feelings, creating a vicious cycle. Many individuals report experiencing social withdrawal or avoidance of social situations due to their condition, further intensifying their emotional struggles. The psychological effects of trichotillomania can manifest as anxiety, depression, or even obsessive thoughts related to their hair-pulling behavior. Seeking professional support is essential for addressing these emotional challenges and developing healthier coping strategies, ultimately aiding in the recovery process.
I love being part of a community where we can help each other, I welcome your tips or questions, so feel free to comment below. I address each comment and will share links and advice.
Note: Unlike traction alopecia, alopecia areata, fungal infections, thinning hair, and other autoimmune diseases where balding spots or female pattern baldness occur, Trichotillomania is a disorder characterized by physically removing hair follicles. Our approach considers the full spectrum of hair loss, but our approach to Trichotillomania is unique and specific with the aim to build stronger hair and encourage hair growth.