Natural Wig Tricks: How to Make a Wig Look Natural Boston, MA

Natural Wig Tricks: How to Make a Wig Look Natural Boston, MA

The Art of Wigging: How to Make Wigs Look Natural Every Time

Wigs have come a long way in the world of fashion, evolving from a simple solution for hair loss to a stylish accessory that can transform your look in an instant. Whether you're a wig-wearer due to hair loss, experimenting with different hairstyles, or simply looking to change up your look, the key to rocking a wig with confidence lies in making it look natural. Natural-looking wigs can be a game-changer, boosting your self-esteem and giving you the freedom to express your unique style. In this blog, we'll explore some tricks and tips to help you make your wig look incredibly natural, from choosing the right wig style for your face shape to customizing the fit, and enhancing the overall appearance with makeup. Let's dive in and discover the secrets to achieving a seamlessly natural wig look.

Natural Wig Tricks: How to Make a Wig Look Natural

Understanding the Basics of a Natural Looking Wig

Before we delve into the specific tricks, it's important to understand the basics of a natural-looking wig. Whether you opt for a human hair wig or a synthetic wig, the goal is to mimic the look of real hair and create a natural hairline. Human hair wigs, made from real human hair, offer the most realistic look and feel. They can be styled and colored just like your natural hair, allowing for a more personalized and authentic look.

Natural Wig Tricks: How to Make a Wig Look Natural

Why Opt for a Human Hair Wig?

When it comes to achieving a natural look, human hair wigs are the top choice for many wig-wearers. Here's why:

  • Real human hair wigs have a more natural feel, mimicking the texture of natural hair. This makes them more comfortable to wear and allows for greater styling versatility.
  • Human hair wigs can be styled and colored just like your real hair, giving you the freedom to experiment with different looks. From curls to straight styles, you can achieve the exact hairstyle you desire, making your wig look incredibly natural.
  • Compared to synthetic wigs, human hair wigs tend to last longer with proper care and maintenance. Investing in a high-quality human hair wig means you can enjoy the natural look and feel for an extended period of time.
  • With a human hair wig, you don't have to worry about damaging your natural hair with chemicals or heat styling tools. You can change up your look without the fear of damaging your own hair, making human hair wigs a great option for those who want the versatility of styling without risking hair loss or damage.
  • For individuals experiencing hair loss, human hair wigs offer a superior solution. The natural look and feel of real human hair can help boost confidence and make the wig-wearer feel more comfortable and at ease.

Natural Wig Tricks: How to Make a Wig Look Natural

Natural Wig Tricks: How to Make a Wig Look Natural

Importance of Wig Lace that Melts Down

When it comes to achieving a natural hairline, the importance of wig lace cannot be overstated. Lace front wigs, in particular, create a seamless hairline that closely resembles the look of natural hair growth. Here are some essential tips for ensuring your wig lace melts down for a natural look:

  • Choose a lace color that matches your skin tone. This will help the lace blend seamlessly with your skin, creating a natural look. It's always a good idea to test the lace against your skin to ensure a perfect match.
  • Customizing the wig's hairline is crucial for a natural look. Use tweezers to carefully pluck random strands of hair from the hairline of the wig, creating a more natural hairline. This process helps to remove any excess hair and gives the wig a realistic appearance.
  • Use a small amount of glue or adhesive to secure the lace in place along your hairline. This will help keep the wig securely in place, preventing any shifting or unnatural movement of the wig.
  • Wig adhesive tape is an alternative option that can also provide a secure hold. Apply the tape along the hairline of the wig, ensuring it matches your skin tone for a discreet look.
  • For a natural looking part, consider using silicone scar tape inside the wig where the hair part is located. The part will look real!

Natural Wig Tricks: How to Make a Wig Look Natural

Perfecting the Fit and Style

In addition to the hairline, the fit and style of your wig play a crucial role in achieving a natural look. Consider the following tips to ensure the perfect fit and style for your wig:

  • Measure your head with a measuring tape to determine the right wig size. This will ensure a comfortable fit that looks natural on your head.
  • When choosing a wig style, take into consideration your face shape. Certain styles may flatter your features more than others, so don't be afraid to experiment and try something new. Wigs with bangs, for example, can create a more natural look by framing your face.
  • Pay attention to the length and weight of the wig. Longer, heavier wigs may require more adjustments to achieve a natural look, so choose a wig that suits your lifestyle and comfort level.

Natural Wig Tricks: How to Make a Wig Look Natural

Choosing the Right Wig Style for Your Face

Choosing the right wig style for your face shape can make a world of difference in achieving a natural look. Consider the following tips when selecting a wig style that flatters your features:

  • Face Shape: Determine your face shape by measuring the length and width of your face. The common face shapes include round, square, oval, heart, and diamond.
  • Best Way to Measure: Measure the width of your forehead, the widest part of your face, the distance between your temples, the length of your face, and the jawline. These measurements will help determine your face shape.
  • Round Face: If you have a round face shape, opt for wigs that add height and length. Styles with layers and curls can help create the illusion of a more oval shape, making your face appear slimmer and more balanced.
  • Square Face: For a square face shape, wigs with soft layers around the face and wispy bangs can soften the angles of your face. Adding curls or waves to the wig can also help create a more rounded shape.
  • Oval Face: Lucky you! Oval face shapes can pull off a wide range of wig styles. Experiment with different lengths, textures, and bangs to find the look that best suits your personal style.
  • Heart Face: If you have a heart-shaped face, wigs with fullness at the nape of your neck can help balance out the wider forehead. Side-swept bangs and layered styles work especially well for this face shape.
  • Diamond Face: Wigs that add width at the forehead and chin can help balance out the diamond face shape. Styles that incorporate volume and curls or waves on the sides of the face can soften the overall look.
  • Remember, these are just general guidelines, and personal preference plays a significant role when it comes to choosing a wig style. Feel free to explore different wig styles and consult with a hairstylist for more personalized recommendations that suit your unique face shape and features.

Natural Wig Tricks: How to Make a Wig Look Natural

Preparing Your Wig for a Natural Look

To achieve a natural look, consider bleaching wig knots and plucking the hairline for realism. Next, when preparing your wig, ensure it matches your scalp color and blends seamlessly with your hair extensions, especially at the nape of your neck. Using a measuring tape, measure around your head to find the best fit. Adjusting wig color to match your hair color can go a long way in enhancing the overall look and making the wig appear more natural.

Bleaching Wig Knots for a Natural Look

Lightening the knots through bleaching enhances the wig hair’s natural appearance, providing a more authentic look. It’s advisable to seek guidance from a hair professional if uncertain about the bleaching process. Prior to full application, always carry out a patch test on a small section of the wig to prevent any potential damage.

Natural Wig Tricks: How to Make a Wig Look Natural

Plucking the Wig Hairline for a Realistic Appearance

Achieving a realistic appearance for your wig involves delicately plucking excess hair from the hairline. By using tweezers to remove individual strands, you can create a more natural look. Patience is key to avoid any damage to your wig. If needed, seek assistance from a professional to ensure precision, or purchase a pre plucked wig.

Natural Wig Tricks: How to Make a Wig Look NaturalApplication Techniques for a Natural Look

Enhancing the natural look of your wig involves precise application techniques. To keep your wig looking seamless, consider using the Bald Cap Method to flatten the hair and achieve a more natural appearance. Trimming the lace along your hairline with shears can further enhance the fit of the wig, ensuring it blends effortlessly with your scalp. These methods not only improve the overall look but also make it easier to style and maintain your wig.

Natural Wig Tricks: How to Make a Wig Look Natural

Using the Bald Cap Method to Keep Hair Flat

Achieving a sleek and natural look is effortless with the Bald Cap method. This technique ensures your wig stays flat against your head, enhancing its overall appearance. By utilizing this approach, you can maintain a secure fit while keeping your wig looking as natural as possible.

Cutting the Lace Along Your Hairline for a Better Fit

For a better fit, consider trimming the lace along your hairline to customize your wig's fit. This simple adjustment can significantly enhance the overall look of your wig and ensure a seamless blend with your natural hairline. By carefully cutting the lace to match the contours of your own hairline, you can achieve a more natural and comfortable fit. This technique is especially useful for first-time wig wearers looking to make their synthetic wig appear more realistic and tailored to their style preferences.

Melting Down the Lace for a Seamless Look

Spray the lace melt about two to four inches away from the hair onto the hairline, blow dry on a cool setting for a few minutes. You may need to repeat the steps a few times to achieve optimum hold. Our go to spray is Wonder Lace Bond Lace Melt

Natural Wig Tricks: How to Make a Wig Look Natural

Styling Tips: Leaving Some Baby Hair Out

Enhance your wig look by leaving out some baby hair, adding a touch of realism. When styling your wig, this subtle detail can go a long way in improving the overall look and making it appear more natural. By incorporating this styling tip, you can achieve a seamless blend between your wig hair and your own hairline, creating a flawless finish that mimics the appearance of real hair.

How to Make a Wig Look Natural Opting for a Rooted Wig for More Depth and Dimension

For added depth and dimension to your wig, consider choosing a rooted design. By opting for a rooted wig, you can enhance the overall look of your hairstyle, creating a more natural appearance. This choice allows you to add more character and texture to your wig, especially if you're looking to achieve a more realistic hairline. A rooted wig can be a great way to elevate your style and make your wig look more lifelike and vibrant.

Natural Wig Tricks: How to Make a Wig Look Natural

Exploring Various Wig Styles

Embarking on the journey of wig exploration opens up a world of possibilities for reinventing your look. Trying out different wig styles can inject excitement and creativity into your everyday appearance, allowing you to express your unique personality. From experimenting with bangs for a fresh vibe to customizing your style with a touch of individuality, the options are endless. Unleash your creativity and step into the realm of diverse wig styles to discover the perfect match that resonates with your inner fashionista.

Natural Wig Tricks: How to Make a Wig Look Natural

Trying a Wig with Bangs for a Different Look

Change up your style by trying out a wig with bangs for a unique and trendy look. Opting for bangs on your wig can instantly transform your appearance, giving you a fresh and fashionable vibe. Experimenting with different styles like fringe bangs can add a fun twist to your overall look, making you stand out in a crowd. Embrace the change and enhance your wig's appeal with this simple yet effective adjustment.

Natural Wig Tricks: How to Make a Wig Look Natural

Styling Your Wig Your Way

Express your uniqueness and creativity through your wig styling. Let your personality shine by experimenting with different looks and trends. Embrace the opportunity to stand out and showcase your individuality with every hair flip.

Achieving a realistic appearance for your wig involves delicately plucking excess hair from the hairline. By using tweezers to remove individual strands, you can create a more natural look. Patience is key to avoid any damage to your wig. If needed, seek assistance from a professional to ensure precision, or purchase a pre plucked wig.

How Often Should You Maintain Your Wig for a Natural Look?

To keep your wig looking natural, regular maintenance is key. By sticking to a consistent upkeep routine, you can ensure your wig maintains its authentic appearance. Stay diligent in caring for your wig to preserve its realistic look.


In conclusion, achieving a natural-looking wig requires attention to detail and a few tricks up your sleeve. Opting for a human hair wig is a great starting point as it provides the most realistic appearance. Making sure the wig lace melts down seamlessly with your skin is crucial for a natural look. Perfecting the fit and style by choosing the right wig for your face shape is essential. Preparing your wig by bleaching the knots and plucking the hairline can elevate its realism. Application techniques like using a bald cap and cutting the lace along your hairline can help achieve a more natural appearance. Enhance your wig's overall look by melting down the lace, leaving some baby hair out, and creating a natural part.


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