7 Reasons You Shouldn't Bleach Your Hair At Home

We are trapped with roots, our gray sparkles are coming in and the salons are closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic and we want our beautiful blonde hair and/or highlights/balayage. Believe me I understand, and my clients are reaching out asking how to color their hair at home. Online hair color sites like Madison Reed are touting that you can bleach your hair at home, or watching a youtube video make it appear easy, but it is not. You may have luck with a one process color, maybe if you are staying within the same level of color. You may not have as much luck with covering gray hair, but some are willing to try. But please stay away from bleach it is a caustic chemical which will not only damage your hair, but will damage your scalp too. At this time, salons are not open to correct your color. Below are 10 reasons why you should not bleach at home.
Major Hair Damage 😪😪
1). Technique - if you have an intricate foil or balayage - I assure you these techniques takes years for a stylist to master. Most stylist can not foil their own hair, we will ask a fellow stylist do to this for us. Processing time vary based on your natural color, thickness and percent of gray. You risk bleed marks, skunk spots and worst of all major breakage!
2). The frosting cap. It is not as simple as you think to pull the correct amount of hair through the wholes of the cap. If you pull through too much hair, you will have horrible spotting like a cheetah. If you over process the hair will break when you pull the cap off.
3). Bleaching & Toning - applying bleach directly on your scalp can lead to burns and breakage. Bleach is fast acting and it is very difficult to apply all over the head in a timely fashion. If you bring your hair up to orange or bright yellow, you will need to be an expert to find the right toner.
4) Toning - toning can be part of the bleaching process and we stylists select the proper tone by your underlying pigment and the color achieved. There is a science to hair color and that is why we are licensed professionals.
5). Covering a bad bleach job - if your hair did not bleach as expected, you may have the urge to just cover it up with a darker color. This is not so simple, the underlying pigment of the color (gold, orange, green) will show up if the hair is not properly filled prior to applying the darker color. If you choose black hair color, then it will be very difficult to change your color even in a salon. Going back blonde will take quite sometime.
6). Corrective Color - If you have to wait for a salon to fix your color it can be quite expensive. It takes many visits and many hours of work to remove hair color and try to achieve your desired color.
7). Breakage - It can take years to repair hair damaged from bleach! So many come to our salon pleading for help! Unfortunately, there is no magic pill to fix this. Yes, we can do treatments, but you may just have to wait for your hair to grow back.
How to Bleach Hair
Blonde Hair Bleach
All considered, please do not bleach your hair - I actually beg you not to! I have witnessed so many bleach disaster over 20 years and you will not be happy. It is not as easy as it looks and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.