Discover the Price: How Much is a Human Hair Wig

How much is a human hair wig?

Unveiling the Cost: How Much is a Human Hair Wig

Key Highlights

  • Human hair wigs can range in from 200 to $5000, depending on factors such as quality, cap construction, and hair type.
  • Factors that influence the cost of human hair wigs include the quality origin of the hair, as well as the cap construction and customization options.

Synthetic hair wigs are a more affordable alternative to human hair wigs, but they may not have the same level of quality and natural appearance.

  • When purchasing a human hair wig, it is important to consider your needs and preferences, such as the length and style of the wig, to ensure that you are getting the best value for your money.
  • Regular maintenance and care for your human hair wig can also impact the overall cost, as routine care and professional maintenance are necessary for ensuring its longevity.
  • By understanding the factors that affect the cost of human hair wigs and determining your specific needs and preferences, you can make an informed decision and find a wig that fits within your budget while still meeting your desired quality and style requirements.



When it comes to finding the perfect wig, one of the key considerations is cost. How much should you expect to pay for a human hair wig? Are there factors that influence the price range? And what kind of quality and features can you expect at different price points?

In this blog, we will explore the costs associated with human hair wigs and what you can expect when shopping for one. We will delve into the factors that affect the cost, such as the quality and origin of the hair, as well as the cap construction and customization options. We will also discuss the differences between human hair wigs and synthetic hair wigs in terms of price and quality.

Whether you are a first-time wig buyer or a seasoned wig wearer, this blog will provide you with valuable insights into the world of human hair wig costs. By understanding the factors that influence pricing and determining your specific needs and preferences, you can make an informed decision and find a wig that not only fits within your budget but also meets your desired quality and style requirements.

a human hair wig for complete hair loss

Understanding the Basics of Human Hair Wigs

Before we dive into the costs of human hair wigs, let's start by understanding what they are. Human hair wigs are wigs made from real human hair, providing a natural and realistic look. Unlike synthetic hair wigs, which are made from artificial fibers, human hair wigs offer a higher level of quality and versatility. They can be styled and treated just like your own natural hair, giving you the freedom to create different looks. Whether you want a short bob, long flowing locks, or anything in between, a real hair wig can help you achieve the desired style with ease.

a hand tied human hair wig

The Different Types of Human Hair Used

When it comes to human hair wigs, the type of hair used can greatly affect the cost. There are different types of human hair available, each with its own characteristics and price range.

One of the most sought-after types of human hair for wigs is virgin hair. Virgin hair refers to hair that has never been chemically treated or processed. It is considered the highest quality hair and often comes from a single donor. Because of its rarity and purity, virgin hair wigs tend to be more expensive.

Another popular type of human hair used in wigs is remy hair. Remy hair is collected and processed in a way that preserves the hair cuticles, ensuring that the hair strands all face the same direction. This results in a more natural and seamless look. Remy hair wigs are also of high quality but may be more affordable than virgin hair wigs. Additionally, many remy hair wigs are available on Amazon, making it easy to find and purchase your perfect wig.


Cap Construction Techniques Explained

In addition to the type of hair used, the cap construction of a human hair wig can also impact its cost. Cap construction refers to the way the wig is constructed and the materials used to create the base of the wig.

One popular cap construction technique is the full lace wig. Full lace wigs are made with a sheer lace base that covers the entire head. The hair strands are individually hand-tied to the lace, allowing for a more natural look and the ability to style the hair in various directions. Full lace wigs tend to be more expensive due to the intricate construction and high-quality materials used, including the use of glue to secure the wig to the head.

Another common cap construction technique is the lace front wig. Lace front wigs have a sheer lace panel at the front of the wig, which creates the illusion of a natural hairline. The rest of the wig is usually made with a more durable material, such as a monofilament or a wefted cap. Lace front wigs offer a more affordable option while still providing a realistic appearance, with lengths ranging from 20-34 inches.

A high quality human hair wig

Factors Influencing the Cost of Human Hair Wigs

Now that we have a basic understanding of human hair wigs and their construction, let's explore the factors that influence their cost. When shopping for a human hair wig, you will come across a wide range of prices. Understanding the factors that contribute to the price tag can help you make an informed decision and find a wig that fits within your budget.

One of the main factors that affect the cost of human hair wigs is the quality of the hair used. Higher quality hair, such as virgin or remy hair, tends to be more expensive due to its superior softness, durability, and natural appearance. Lower quality hair, such as the Brielle Wig by Amore, may be more affordable but may not offer the same level of quality and longevity as a Raquel Welch wig. The brand and designer of the wig, such as Raquel Welch, can also influence the cost.

Another factor that can impact the cost is the cap construction and customization options. Wigs with more intricate cap constructions, such as full lace wigs, may be priced higher than those with simpler cap styles. Customization options, such as hand-tied hairlines or specialized sizing, can also add to the overall cost of the wig.


Quality and Origin of the Hair

The quality and origin of the hair used in human hair wigs play a significant role in determining their cost. As mentioned earlier, virgin hair and remy hair are considered to be of higher quality and tend to be more expensive.

Virgin hair is sourced from a single donor and has never been chemically treated or processed. It retains its natural texture, color, and shine, making it highly desirable for wig wearers. The rarity and purity of virgin hair contribute to its higher price tag.

Remy hair, on the other hand, is collected and processed in a way that preserves the hair cuticles, ensuring that the strands all face the same direction. This results in a more natural and seamless look. Remy hair wigs offer a balance between quality and affordability.

Cap Construction and Customization Options

The cap construction of a human hair wig can also impact its cost. Different cap styles offer varying levels of comfort, durability, and realism.

Full lace wigs are constructed with a sheer lace base that covers the entire head. The hair strands are individually hand-tied to the lace, allowing for a natural-looking hairline and the ability to style the hair in various directions. The intricate construction and high-quality materials used in full lace wigs contribute to their higher cost, which is also affected by the desired length of the hair.

Lace front wigs, on the other hand, have a sheer lace panel at the front of the wig, creating the illusion of a natural hairline. The rest of the wig is usually made with a more durable material, such as a monofilament or a wefted cap. Lace front wigs offer a more affordable option while still providing a realistic appearance.

Customization options, such as hand-tied hairlines or specialized sizing, can also add to the overall cost of the wig. These options allow for a more personalized fit and a natural-looking result.

a human hair wig with balayage hair color

Price Range Breakdown for Human Hair Wigs

Now that we have explored the factors that influence the cost of human hair wigs, let's take a closer look at the price range breakdown. Human hair wigs can range from affordable entry-level options to high-end luxury wigs. Here is a breakdown of the price ranges you can expect:

Price Range



$200 - $1200


$1200 - $3000


$3000 and above

Entry-Level human hair wigs are typically more affordable and may offer a good balance between price and quality. They are a great option for those who are new to wearing wigs or who have a limited budget.

Mid-Range human hair wigs offer a higher level of quality and craftsmanship. They often feature more intricate cap constructions and customization options.

High-End human hair wigs are the top-of-the-line options. They are made with the highest quality hair and the most advanced cap constructions. These wigs are often handcrafted and offer the most realistic and natural appearance.

It is important to note that prices may vary depending on factors such as the brand, the retailer, and any additional features or customization options. When shopping for a human hair wig, it is recommended to set a budget and explore different options within that range to find the best value for your money.

a high quality human hair wig

Entry-Level Human Hair Wigs: What to Expect

Entry-Level human hair wigs are a great option for those who are new to wearing wigs or who have a limited budget. These wigs offer a more affordable alternative to high-end options while still providing a natural and realistic appearance.

Entry-Level human hair wigs may be made with a combination of synthetic and real hair, allowing for a more budget-friendly price tag. The synthetic hair helps to reduce the overall cost while still providing a natural look and feel.

While Entry-Level human hair wigs may not have the same level of quality and longevity as higher-end options, they can still be a great choice for those looking to experiment with different styles or for temporary use.

Mid-Range and High-End Options: Exploring the Differences

Mid-Range and High-End human hair wigs offer a higher level of quality, craftsmanship, and durability compared to Entry-Level options. These wigs are made with the highest quality hair and often feature more advanced cap constructions and customization options.

Mid-Range human hair wigs are priced higher than Entry-Level options but still offer a good balance between price and quality. They are a popular choice for those who are looking for a higher level of realism and longevity.

High-End human hair wigs are the crème de la crème of wig options. They are made with the finest quality hair and the most advanced cap constructions. High-End wigs often feature handcrafted details and meticulous attention to detail, resulting in a truly luxurious and natural-looking wig.

While Mid-Range and High-End human hair wigs may come with a higher price tag, they are an investment worth considering for those who prioritize quality and want a wig that will stand the test of time.

Choosing the Right Length and Style

The length and style of a human hair wig are important factors to consider when determining your needs and preferences. Whether you prefer short, medium, or long hair, there are various options to choose from.

Short wigs are a great option for those who want a low-maintenance and easy-to-style look. They offer a chic and sassy appearance that is perfect for everyday wear.

Medium-length wigs provide a versatile and classic look. They offer more styling options and allow for different hairstyles to be achieved.

Long wigs provide drama and elegance. They cascade down the shoulders and offer a glamorous and feminine look.

When selecting the length and style of your wig, consider your personal preference, face shape, and lifestyle. It is important to choose a length and style that makes you feel confident and comfortable.

a mid-length human hair wig in platinum blonde

Selecting the Cap Type for Comfort and Natural Look

The cap type of a human hair wig is another important factor to consider when determining your needs and preferences. The cap construction affects the overall comfort and natural look of the wig.

A full lace wig is made with a sheer lace base that covers the entire head. The hair strands are individually hand-tied to the lace, allowing for a natural-looking hairline and the ability to style the hair in various directions. Full lace wigs offer the most versatility and provide the most realistic look.

A lace front wig, on the other hand, has a sheer lace panel at the front of the wig, creating the illusion of a natural hairline. The rest of the wig is usually made with a more durable material, such as a monofilament or a wefted cap. Lace front wigs offer a more affordable option while still providing a realistic appearance.

When selecting the cap type, consider your comfort, desired level of realism, and styling options. It is important to choose a cap type that fits securely and provides a natural and comfortable fit.


The Impact of Maintenance on Overall Costs

While the initial cost of a human hair wig is a significant factor, it is also important to consider the impact of maintenance on the overall cost. Proper care and maintenance are essential for ensuring the longevity and quality of your wig.

Routine care, such as washing and conditioning the wig, is necessary to keep it looking its best. This includes using the appropriate products, styling tools, and techniques specifically designed for human hair wigs.

In addition to routine care, professional maintenance may be required to ensure the longevity of your wig. This can include services such as wig repairs, color touch-ups, and restyling.

By investing in proper care and maintenance, you can extend the lifespan of your human hair wig and minimize the need for costly replacements or repairs.

a front lace wig in blonde balayage hair color

Routine Care and Longevity of Human Hair Wigs

Taking care of your human hair wig is essential for maintaining its longevity and keeping it looking its best. Routine care involves a few simple steps that can help prolong the life of your wig. First, it's important to store your wig properly when you're not wearing it. Using a wig stand or mannequin head can help maintain its shape and prevent tangling. Additionally, using cool water to wash your wig and avoiding excessive heat styling can help preserve the quality of the hair. Regular detangling and gentle handling can also contribute to the longevity of your human hair wig. By following these care practices, you can ensure that your wig stays in great condition for a longer period of time.

Professional Maintenance: Is It Worth the Investment?

While routine care is essential for maintaining your human hair wig, there may come a time when you need professional maintenance. Visiting a salon for wig maintenance can help ensure that your wig is in top condition and prolong its lifespan. Professional maintenance services can include services such as wig washing, restyling, and repair. However, it's important to consider the cost factors associated with professional maintenance. The cost of salon services can vary depending on the salon and the specific services required. It's important to weigh the benefits of professional maintenance against the associated costs to determine if it's worth the investment for you and your wig.

a professionally installed human hair wig

Shopping Tips: Getting the Best Value for Your Money

When shopping for a human hair wig, it's important to consider various factors to ensure that you get the best value for your money. Firstly, prioritize good quality over a lower price tag. Investing in a high-quality wig will ensure that it looks natural, lasts longer, and provides a comfortable fit. Secondly, do your research and compare prices from different sellers to find the best deal. Additionally, read customer reviews and ask for recommendations to get an idea of the quality and reliability of the wig seller. Lastly, consider purchasing from reputable online stores or in-store retailers that specialize in wigs to ensure a wide selection and reliable customer service.

How to Spot Quality Human Hair Wigs

Spotting a quality human hair wig can be crucial in ensuring that you get your money's worth. Here are a few tips to help you identify a high-quality wig. First, pay attention to the overall texture and appearance of the wig. High-quality wigs are made with real human hair and have a natural look and feel. Look for wigs that have a soft and shiny texture, as this indicates good quality. Additionally, examine the construction of the wig, including the cap and hairline. Well-made wigs will have a secure and comfortable cap construction with a natural-looking hairline. Finally, consider the reputation and reviews of the wig manufacturer or seller. Reputable brands and sellers are more likely to provide high-quality wigs that meet your expectations.

The Pros and Cons of Investing in a Human Hair Wig

Investing in a human hair wig comes with its own set of pros and cons. On the positive side, human hair wigs offer a natural look and feel that is difficult to replicate with synthetic wigs. They can be styled and heat-treated just like your own hair, allowing for versatility and customization. Human hair wigs also tend to be more durable and long-lasting compared to synthetic wigs. However, the cost of human hair wigs can be a significant factor to consider. They are generally more expensive than synthetic wigs and require more maintenance and care. Ultimately, the decision to invest in a human hair wig depends on your individual preferences, needs, and budget.

The Benefits of Choosing Human Over Synthetic

One of the main benefits of choosing a human hair wig over a synthetic wig is the natural look and feel it provides. Human hair wigs are made from real human hair, which allows for a more realistic appearance. The hair moves and flows naturally, giving you the confidence of having your own hair. Another advantage of human hair wigs is their durability. With proper care and maintenance, human hair wigs can last for a year or more, while synthetic wigs typically have a shorter lifespan. Additionally, human hair wigs can be styled and heat-treated just like your own hair, allowing for limitless styling options. These benefits make human hair wigs a popular choice for those seeking a natural and versatile hair replacement option.

Considerations Before Making a Purchase

Before making a purchase decision, there are a few important considerations to keep in mind. Firstly, consider your budget and the cost factors associated with human hair wigs. Determine how much you are willing to invest in a wig and set realistic expectations accordingly. Secondly, think about your specific needs and requirements. If you are experiencing hair loss, consider the coverage and style options that the wig offers. It's also important to consider the condition of your scalp and any potential sensitivities or allergies. Lastly, take into account the purpose of the wig. Are you looking for a temporary solution or a long-term hair replacement? Understanding these considerations will help you make an informed decision and find the right human hair wig for your needs.

Real-Life Experiences: Stories from Human Hair Wig Owners

Real-life experiences from human hair wig owners can provide valuable insights into the benefits and challenges of wearing a wig. Many wig owners have reported increased confidence and self-esteem after finding the perfect wig that suits their style and preferences. Wearing a human hair wig can help individuals feel like themselves again and regain a sense of normalcy. However, there may also be challenges associated with wearing a wig, such as the learning curve of styling and maintaining the wig. It's important to consider both the positive and negative experiences of wig owners, especially for beginners, to have a realistic understanding of what to expect when wearing a human hair wig.


Investing in a human hair wig is a significant decision influenced by various factors like quality, origin, cap construction, and maintenance. Understanding these aspects helps in making an informed choice about the type, cost, and longevity of your wig. By exploring the price ranges, shopping tips, and real-life experiences shared by wig owners, you can navigate through the process effectively. Remember to consider the pros and cons of human hair wigs over synthetic options and assess your needs before purchasing. To delve deeper into this world of human hair wigs and ensure you make the right decision, book a free trial or consultation with experts in the field.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Choose the Right Density for My Wig?

Choosing the right density for your wig depends on several factors, including your hair type, natural look, and personal preferences. It's important to consider the thickness of your own hair and the desired level of volume when selecting the density of your wig. Additionally, take into account the condition of your scalp and any sensitivities that may affect your comfort with a certain density.

Can I Color or Heat Style My Human Hair Wig?

Yes, you can color and heat style your human hair wig just like you would with your own hair. However, it's important to use caution and follow the recommended guidelines to ensure the durability and longevity of the wig. Avoid excessive heat and use professional hair color products specifically designed for human hair wigs.

How Long Will My Human Hair Wig Last?

The longevity of a human hair wig depends on various factors, including the quality of the wig, the level of maintenance and care, and the frequency of wear. With proper care, a high-quality human hair wig can last for a year or more. Regular maintenance, such as washing, conditioning, and styling, will help prolong the lifespan of the wig.

Are There Financing Options Available for Purchasing High-End Wigs?

Are you interested in purchasing a high-end human hair wig but concerned about the upfront cost? Many wig stores and online retailers offer financing options to help make your dream wig more affordable. These financing options allow you to spread out the cost of the wig over a period of time, making it easier to manage your budget. By taking advantage of financing options, you can invest in a high-quality wig without breaking the bank. Be sure to inquire about financing options when shopping for your human hair wig.

What Should I Do If My Wig Starts to Thin or Shed?

If you notice your human hair wig starting to thin or shed, it's important to take proper care to maintain its quality and durability. Regular maintenance, such as gentle brushing, washing with cool water, and using specialized wig care products, can help minimize shedding and keep your wig looking its best. If the shedding persists or worsens, it's advisable to seek professional assistance from a wig specialist or salon to assess the condition of your wig and provide the necessary repairs or adjustments. Remember, proper care and maintenance are key to prolonging the lifespan of your wig and ensuring it remains in good condition.


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