Not Alone Notes: Support for OCD and Trichotillomania

Not Alone Notes: Support for OCD and Trichotillomania

How Not Alone Notes Helps with OCD & Trichotillomania


Living with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) or trichotillomania (trich) can be an incredibly challenging journey, one often marked by stigma, embarrassment, and a sense of isolation. But you are not alone. Hope, support, and understanding are available to you, thanks to initiatives like 'Not Alone Notes.' 'Not Alone Notes' is a platform that aims to bridge the gap, fostering empathy, and community for individuals affected by OCD and trichotillomania. In this blog, we will explore the intricacies of these conditions and the inspiring journey behind 'Not Alone Notes.' Join us as we delve into the importance of support networks, the power of personal stories, and the transformative impact of finding a community that understands.

Not Alone Notes: Support for OCD and Trichotillomania

Understanding OCD and Body Focused Repetitive Compulsion

OCD and trichotillomania, classified as anxiety disorders, are two mental health conditions that can significantly impact a person's quality of life. OCD is characterized by intrusive thoughts, obsessions, and compulsive behaviors, while trichotillomania, also known as hair-pulling disorder, involves the repetitive pulling out of hair, resulting in hair loss. Both disorders are recognized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), highlighting the distress they can cause individuals who live with them and their family medical history. It is important to understand the complexities of these conditions to provide the necessary support and empathy.

Defining OCD

OCD is a mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by persistent, intrusive thoughts, obsessions, and compulsive behaviors. Individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) often experience significant distress, discomfort, and anxiety, which can interfere with their daily lives. The diagnostic criteria for OCD include the presence of obsessions, such as recurrent and persistent thoughts, urges, or images that are intrusive and unwanted. These obsessions cause distress and are not better explained by other mental health conditions. Compulsions, on the other hand, are repetitive behaviors or mental acts that the individual feels driven to perform in response to the obsession or according to rules that must be applied rigidly. The compulsions are aimed at reducing anxiety or preventing a feared event, but they are not realistically connected to the event. OCD is a chronic condition, but with proper treatment and support, individuals can learn to manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.

Living with OCD often involves significant distress caused by intrusive thoughts that can feel uncontrollable and overwhelming. Individuals may engage in repetitive behaviors, and rituals, or seek reassurance to ease the anxiety produced by the obsessions. Unfortunately, these compulsions provide only temporary relief and often perpetuate the cycle of anxiety and compulsion. Moreover, the stigma surrounding mental health conditions like OCD can lead to embarrassment, isolating individuals from seeking the help they need, including seeking support from professionals such as a therapist or psychologist with a PhD in mental health. It is crucial to foster empathy, understanding, and support for those affected by OCD, helping them navigate the challenges and find hope in their recovery journey.

Not Alone Notes: Support for OCD and Trichotillomania

Meeting the Founders Of Not Alone Notes

I was elated to meet the founders of the non-profit organization, me and my co-worker Diane watched an extremely talented young lady create beautiful notes while waiting for her friend to have her hair done. We asked her about the beautiful cards she was creating, and she explained that she was sending these "notes," to encourage and support those with OCD. As a salon that specializes in working with clients who have Trichotillomania, our interest was piqued! We are now joining forces to help with Trich and would love to help them with donations so they can inspire more people with OCD.

What is Not Alone Notes and how does it help with OCD and trichotillomania?

Not Alone Notes is a platform that provides supportive messages and reminders to individuals with OCD and trichotillomania. These messages help users feel understood and less alone in their struggles and also provide encouragement and motivation to manage and overcome their conditions.

I have felt alone when my anxiety level has been at its highest, and I would have loved to have some support. Years ago, no one spoke about anything related to mental illness. Today there are many resources to help with all types of mental illness and the stigma surrounding them. Not Alone Notes not only provides a touching note of support, but an entire team of support! Their website offers resources, blogs, and social media platforms to advocate for OCD and related disorders.

Not Alone Notes: Support for OCD and Trichotillomania

The Intricacy of Trichotillomania

Trichotillomania, also known as hair-pulling disorder, is a condition characterized by the repetitive pulling out of hair, resulting in noticeable hair loss. This disorder can affect any part of the body, commonly the scalp, eyelashes, and eyebrows. Like OCD, trichotillomania can have a significant impact on a person's quality of life, leading to distress, impairment, and negative emotions. The diagnostic criteria for trichotillomania specify the recurrent pulling of hair, resulting in hair loss, with repeated attempts to decrease or stop the behavior. The condition is not attributable to other medical conditions, drugs, or substances, and is not better explained by another mental disorder, such as PTSD.

While trichotillomania may not be as widely known as OCD, it is estimated to affect about 1 to 2% of the population. Treatment options for trichotillomania include habit reversal therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). These therapies focus on understanding the urges, emotions, and triggers associated with hair-pulling behaviors, as well as developing coping strategies and alternative behaviors. Support from mental health professionals, such as clinicians, psychologists, or psychiatrists, can greatly benefit individuals struggling with trichotillomania, offering guidance, reassurance, and treatment plans tailored to their needs.

Not Alone Notes: Support for OCD and Trichotillomania

Experiences with OCD and Trichotillomania

Beyond the diagnostic criteria, it is essential to recognize the lived experiences of individuals affected by OCD and trichotillomania. Personal stories have the power to inspire, educate, and cultivate hope. Hearing the journeys of resilience can empower others on their paths to recovery. By sharing their experiences, individuals affected by these disorders can help break the silence, challenge stigma, and create a community united in understanding and support. Through the diversity of stories, we can discover the strength and resilience within the OCD and trichotillomania communities, building a foundation of empathy and hope.

Sharing Hope and Resilience

Not Alone Notes: Support for OCD and Trichotillomania

The Inspiration Behind 'Not Alone Notes'

OCD can feel incredibly lonely at times. They will mail you a handwritten note for free on a handmade card as a reminder that you are not alone in this fight.

Not Alone Notes was started in 2017 as a project by Morgan out of her dorm room. She put a form link on her mental health blog, asking people with OCD if they wanted an encouraging note. And people started requesting them.

Shortly after, Molly reached out about donating handmade cards for Morgan to write on. Together, Morgan and Molly continued the project, speaking at conferences, and filing for nonprofit status.

The team has continued to grow with volunteer writers, and we’ve continued to send notes, fulfilling this original mission They now send notes in Spanish and to individuals within the broader OCD umbrella (including Tourette’s, and body-focused repetitive behavior.

Not Alone Notes is at its core a project that grew out of a desire to spread hope love and resources.

Not Alone Notes: Support for OCD and Trichotillomania

Reaching Out to the Newly Diagnosed

In the journey toward recovery, 'Not Alone Notes' offers a supportive platform for individuals to receive a personalized note, mailed to them, to encourage them to understand they are not alone! Oddly enough, that is often the term I use when working with clients who have Trichotillomania, when they come to me I tell them that I work with hundreds of clients who suffer from the hair-pulling disorder Trichotillomania. The statement "You're not alone!" carries weight - often you may feel isolated, and crazy, and that you are the only one suffering. You are not, OCD is the human condition for many of us in the United States.

Not Alone Notes: Support for OCD and Trichotillomania

The Power of Empathy in Recovery

Emphasizing the significance of empathy in the recovery journey truly illustrates the profound impact of understanding and compassion. When individuals facing OCD and Trichotillomania receive empathetic support, it helps them not feel isolated in their struggles. This supportive environment fosters a sense of belonging and understanding, creating a positive impact on their recovery journey.

How 'Not Alone Notes' Works

Supporting individuals with OCD, "Not Alone Notes," utilizes a writing process that encourages hope and resilience. The process is designed to support and promote healing for individuals with OCD. The personalized notes, sent by mail, reach out to those who can benefit from them and provide support for those struggling with isolation and loneliness. The newly diagnosed especially need support, and the notes are the perfect way to do so. They are a 501(c)3 nonprofit - the notes are personalized and handwritten. They want to remind others that there is hope while dispensing resources.

Not Alone Notes: Support for OCD and Trichotillomania

Distribution System

Reaching out to others who understand the challenges of OCD and Trichotillomania creates a sense of belonging. Support networks play a crucial role in recovery, offering understanding, empathy, and encouragement.

Importance of Support Networks

Navigating the challenges of OCD and trich requires a strong support network. Connecting with understanding peers empowers and heals, fostering hope, resilience, and recovery. The significance of support networks cannot be overstated in overcoming these conditions. Embracing the comforting presence of those who can relate provides strength and encouragement.

Building a Community Around 'Not Alone Notes'

Morgan's blog "My OCD Voice" is about her experience with OCD and anxiety in hopes of helping others with similar struggles. Her blog features some her of day-to-day struggles, personal achievements, small compulsions, and anxiety. I, too, as someone with anxiety enjoyed her blogs and found comfort in reading them.

Steps to Participate

All Not Alone Notes are sent free of charge to recipients, so we do appreciate any support of this initiative. It helps ensure that they can continue mailing these notes to others with OCD and related disorders, and their caregivers.

Not Alone Notes is a 501(c)3 tax-deductible organization.

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Can 'Not Alone Notes' Transform Your Recovery Journey?

Discover the transformative power of 'Not Alone Notes' on your recovery journey. Please visit their website;

Not Alone Notes: Support for OCD and Trichotillomania


In conclusion, 'Not Alone Notes' is a powerful initiative that offers support and hope to individuals dealing with OCD and trichotillomania. By spreading empathy, 'Not Alone Notes' aims to create a strong community where individuals can find solace and strength in their recovery journey. The founders' passion and dedication have led to creating a platform that bridges the gap between OCD and trich communities, fostering love and understanding. Together, we can transform the recovery journey and remind each other that we are not alone in our struggles.


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