Gen Z Boys Mop Cut, Perms, and Hair Extensions
It has been a wild ride when it comes to working with Gen Z boys, and young adults! They have been flocking back to the hair salons, growing their hair, and the "flow" is the "mop cut!" Usually during the summer young boys will buzz their hair, but they are not! They are no lining up to the barber shop for a "line-up," instead they are all about textured cuts. Some have gone so far as to add our invisible "Combline" hair extensions to the front of their hair because they do not want to wait for their hair to...
Trichotillomania Mass General Hospital Center For OCD & Related Disorders
Are you one of the many suffering silence due to pulling out your hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows? There is help, and the world's #8 hospital - Mass General - has an entire department devoted to Trichotillomania, OCD, and related disorders. We have been fortunate to receive referrals from one of the world's top hospitals, and we are excited to share that our clients with Trich have gained control over this condition. I will start by saying, "You are not alone!" I personally have worked with hundreds of children, and adults with Trich aka "BFRB" body-focused repetitive disorder. I have a personal view of...
Trichotillomania Support Resources
I have been working with children and adults with Trichotillomania for over twenty years. During my tenure, I have been blessed to work with parents, children, and adults who have shared some of their support systems. I have an increased understanding of what drives a person to pick at their hair and skin, but I have learned about professionals that have made a difference to help support BFRB behavior. Our understanding of the disorder has helped our clients to understand they are not alone, and they feel comfortable with our expertise. We do help prevent hair pulling with our hair system, a "barrier,"...
Female Pattern Balding What To Do? Including Nutrafol Info
Female Pattern Baldness: Solutions and Nutrafol Info Pattern Of Hair Loss; Hair Loss In Women Boston What is female pattern baldness and what causes it? Female pattern baldness, also known as female pattern hair loss, is a common condition characterized by thinning of the hair on the scalp. It is primarily caused by a combination of genetic factors, hormonal changes, and aging. It typically starts with gradual hair thinning on the top and crown of the head. Female Pattern Hair Loss Female pattern baldness, or female pattern hair loss, is a condition that affects many women around the world. It is...
Caution: Do Not Use On Hair Extensions
Do Not Use On Hair Extensions ·Using the proper products will increase the lifespan of your hair extensions, particularly avoiding harsh products on the ends of your hair. If your own hair is dry, avoid matting and tangling on the delicate hair strands. blonde hair extensions tend to be dryer than darker shades since they have been chemically treated. We will go over a list of what to avoid using on your hair extensions to prevent breakage and discoloration. What products should you avoid using on hair extensions? Avoid using oil-based hair products on extensions as they can weaken the...
Why hair extensions turn orange or pink?
In the summer months, or during a vacation to a warm climate, I find that some clients' hair extensions are turning orange and/or pink. This seems to happen on light hair extensions; from medium blonde to lightest blonde. In some cases, inferior hair quality will turn orange because the base tone of the hair appears after washing off the silicone coating. Hair extensions derive from dark hair, therefore, it is chemically treated to remove the dark color and then toned with a fabric dye to the desired color. When the hair cuticle is stripped during the color process, the underlying pigment is red, orange,...